The Author

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John F. Dini headshotA 21st Century Hunter

John F. Dini is a champion of the hunters in modern business; the entrepreneurs, salespeople and executives who create opportunities for everyone around them. He writes, speaks and coaches exclusively to and for those whose contributions are too often forgotten in a business world that focuses on the farming tasks of managing an enterprise.

Entrepreneurial History

John has owned a dozen businesses, including companies in manufacturing, distribution and medical services. Although the current catchphrase for such people is “serial entrepreneur,” he prefers to think of himself as chronically unemployable. John has logged over 12,000 hours of face-to-face coaching with entrepreneurs in virtually every industry, and who own companies ranging from under $1,000,000 to over $400,000,000 revenue.

Hunting in a Farmer’s World

From his work with entrepreneurs, he developed his award-winning book and keynote presentation Hunting in a Farmer’s World, which examines the strengths of people who explore and create, along with the forces in modern business that discourage them from doing what they do best.

The Boomer Bust

Boomer Bust CoverSince 2007, Mr. Dini has also written and presented extensively on The Boomer Bust, the impending retirement of almost two-thirds of the small business employers in America. His seminar Beating the Boomer Bust, is presented to business owner groups and trade associations nationally, and is accompanied by an eBook with the same title. Beating the Boomer Bust has been widely praised both for its humor, as well as for its perspective-changing educational value.

Additional Publications11 Things Book Cover


He holds a BS in Accounting from Rutgers University, and an MBA from Pepperdine University, along with certifications in Exit Planning and several other business disciplines. He lives in San Antonio, Texas with his beautiful wife of 40 years, whom he married prenatally.

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